Cyberpunk 2077 Graphical Glitch

Alejandro Silva
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

Cyberpunk 2077 like everyone knows has been a complete flop in terms of delivering what the publisher had promised. The game built up an immense amount of hype around its release because of all the promises made by the creator. The game overall promised insane visuals that would be ground breaking in terms of open world games that have been released. When the game was released the visuals were extremely good but were plagued by tons of visual bugs and game bugs that it made it very hard to appreciate the hard work that had been placed on the details. The game was so buggy that of the glitches actually allow for the player to experience the game in a completely new way.

The glitch that gives the game a completely different feel is the 3rd person glitch. The glitch can happen normally once the player gets out of a vehicle it might randomly place the player in third person mode, but the camera doesn't move with the player and therefore makes that glitch useless. The glitch that I’m talking about is the one where the camera actually follows the player in third person mode, which literally changes the genre of the game. The glitch is extremely rare and there isn’t much footage of it, but there is a mod that forces the game to do this and makes for a great definition as to what is considered a major glitch. Just like Pedro Ferreira said “In order for glitch to work as a critical element, the audience has to be able to recognize it as an intended feature of the work” (Ferreira 115). This third person glitch switches cyberpunk from a first person shooter to a third person shooter and it also allows for the player to experience questing in third person. This finally gives the player a better sense as to what their character model looks like while walking and running around the game world. Overall this is provably the most game changing bug that the game has seen.

Video demonstrating what the bug does.


Ferreira, Pedro. XCoAx 2020: Post-Digital Aesthetics in Contemporary …

